Spanish Psychotherapy

MSc. Macarena de la Vega

[email protected]

face to face & online sessions

spanish & English

cambridge & London

“People are disturbed not by things, but by the view they take of them” .

epictetus, stoic philosopher

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a proven approach to psychotherapy. It was designed to help people develop effective coping strategies for a wide range of psychological issues and emotional problems.

CBT, is a widely used and evidence-based form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours. Is a versatile and effective treatment modality that empowers individuals to take control of their mental health.

If you experiencing one of the following symptoms:

  • feeling depressed
  • battling with anxiety or panic attacks
  • feeling stressed
  • having relationship problems but  are unsure how to move forward

These common problems can occur at any stage in a person’s life. For some people they can occur without a clear trigger or reason, while for others they can result from stressful life events or from traumatic experiences. In any case, it is time to consult a Therapist!.

Most emotional problems arise from faulty thinking and the remedy is found in corrective actions. CBT is problem focused and practical, its aim is to help you get better in the long term which is done through changing your unhealthy beliefs to their healthy counterparts. That is the reason why CBT is based on the understanding that by changing how we think about things (our cognitive processes), we can change the way we feel (our emotions), and the way we react (our behaviour). It can help us learn how to overcome negative emotions and behaviours.

The intent is to:

  • Help people clarify their emotions, behaviours and goals.
  • Identify the unhealthy beliefs that are at the heart of their emotional problems and sabotage their goals.
  • Dispute them and replace them with their healthier version in order to get better through consistent and constructive action.
  • Finally, to generalise the change to other areas of life.

The process of change requires repetition, consistency and vigour in the application  of the healthy beliefs. This means you will think and act in accordance with your healthy beliefs even though it will be uncomfortable at first. It is completely natural as emotional change takes time and comes last after the change in thinking and behaviour. Understanding does not create emotional change. You will have to apply what you understand.

Because people are inherently complex and their problems are unique, the therapy is tailored to all clients’ individual needs in order to best support them in overcoming the difficulties they are experiencing.

CBT can be conducted together with a range of techniques, such as changing thinking patterns, eliminating negative self-talk, mindfulness and breaking unhelpful behavioural patterns.




Techniques such as cognitive restructuring are particularly effective for feeling Anxious.


Living a stressful Life event

We live plenty stressful events that may feel overwhelming and we need someone to help us see the bogger picture and give us tools to overcome them.



By challenging negative thought patterns, CBT helps reduce symptoms of depression.

Behavioural Activation helps us generate movements towards a healthier mindset.


Behavioural Issues

We will work with you to create healthier behaviours as a consequence of changing automatic patterns. We believe we have no control as many of this patterns are automatized. We will work to rewire those to generate more effective ones and as a consequence healthier behaviours.


Relational Problems

Whether is family, our partner or any type of relationship, it is always helpful to be able to a more flexible view on things and be able to communicate in an assertive way ours.


Problem Solving

As we are subjective and emotionally attached to our live we are not able to see the bigger picture. Having other points of view and be able to talk to someone objective helps us to gain perspective and solve problems.

What to expect

In therapy we will discuss your problems and how they are currently affecting you. In doing so, offer you techniques to help you to learn a new set of behaviours, and help you to practice this new skill until it has become embedded. You’ll also be given helpful “homework” in the form of practicing your new skills. In the process, you should experience an improvement in your symptoms. The goal of CBT is a relatively rapid improvement and the cessation of therapy within 8-10 weeks, but each case is unique and the duration may vary from person to person.

MSc. Macarena de la Vega Lopez

About me…

I am an experienced MSc level Psychologist (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) working with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Rational Emotional Behavioural Therapy (CCBT, London). I combine robust academics with a wealth of practical experience, obtained over many years of work in both the public and private sectors in London and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As an expatriate myself, I understand the unique challenges and stresses that come with living in a foreign country. This personal experience allows me to empathize deeply with clients who are expatriates, helping them navigate their emotional and psychological well-being in a new cultural context.

I use a warm, pragmatic approach and work as a catalyst for positive emotional and behavioural change. I treat adults for assessment and psychological therapy at my private practice in Cambridge and London.

An option for everyone.

Having the opportunity to meet a therapist in person when possible is a great advantage towards a successful result.

Face to Face

Saturdays (12-5pm) and Tuesdays (8-12pm)

in Cambridge.

Wednesdays and Fridays

(8 – 9pm) in London.


/55 minutes


Mondays and Thursdays (8-9pm)


/55 minutes

Mixed Option

First 2 sessions in person and all subsequent online at a reduced rate.


What customers say…


1 Quality Court,

Holborn, Chancery Lane. London.



Google 48 Reviews 5 stars

(please follow the link to access to the reviews)

8B Romsey Terrace, (off Mill Road)



Frequently Asked Questions

Simply reach out with any questions via email, providing us with your needs, and we will swiftly contact you back.

We do not offer phone consultations due to the high demand of enquiries.

Is it possible to change my date?

Absolutely, as long as you provide us with a minimum of 48 hours notice, you can adjust your date up to one time without any additional charges. Sickness is an exception.

Tell me more about your cancellation policy.

Any appointment cancelled before 48 hours will be refunded in full when requested.

How does the billing process work?

To secure your booking, we request the payment of the session in full, until then the slot can be offered to other clients.

What is the process for Private Insurances?

Although i do not work directly with insurances, you can manage it yourself with the receipt for the session. Please enquire with your insurance before hand to avoid misunderstandings.

Can I receive a receipt for my session?


Need further assistance?

Need help finding the answers you need? Let’s have a conversation.